Egenskap:Engelsk:anbefalt/tilrådd term:referanse

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(forrige 25) (neste 25)


Loven om konstante masseforhold +Richard C. Bauer et al. 2009 "Introduction to Chemistry" 2. utg. McGraw-Hill Higher Education  +
Loven om massekonservering +Richard C. Bauer et al. 2009 "Introduction to Chemistry" 2. utg. McGraw-Hill Higher Education  +
Luftmasse +FNs klimapanel (  +
Lukket system +The American Heritage Dictionary <>. Lest 27.05.2013  +
Lut +Oxford Dictionary of Chemistry. 2008. 6. utg. Oxford University Press  +
Løftbar aksel +Eurlex: EU Regulation 1230/2012  +
Løsemiddel +Richard C. Bauer et al. 2009 "Introduction to Chemistry" 2. utg. McGraw-Hill Higher Education  +
Løsning +Richard C. Bauer et al. 2009 "Introduction to Chemistry" 2. utg. McGraw-Hill Higher Education  +
Løst stoff +Richard C. Bauer et al. 2009 "Introduction to Chemistry" 2. utg. McGraw-Hill Higher Education  +


Makrofossil +Ruddiman, WF (2001) "Earth's climate - past and future"  +
Makromolekyl +Oxford Dictionary of Chemistry. 2008. 6. utg. Oxford University Press  +
Makronivå +Faggruppe i kjemisk terminologi  +
Makroskopisk egenskap +Richard C. Bauer et al. 2009 "Introduction to Chemistry" 2. utg. McGraw-Hill Higher Education  +
Marint miljø +Matthews et. al. (2003) "The encyclopaedic dictionary of environmental change"  +
Markovnikovs regel +Penguin Dictionary of Chemistry (2003)  +
Maskulinitet +Prosjektgruppe for fagtermer i kjønnsforskning  +
Masse +Richard C. Bauer et al. 2009 "Introduction to Chemistry" 2. utg. McGraw-Hill Higher Education  +
Massebalanse +FNs klimapanel: AR4 Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis — IPCC. (  +
Masseprosent +Engelskspråkleg Wikipedia <>. Lest 16.05.2012  +
Massespektrometri +Oxford Dictionary of Chemistry. 2008. 6. utg. Oxford University Press  +
Massetall +Richard C. Bauer et al. 2009 "Introduction to Chemistry" 2. utg. McGraw-Hill Higher Education  +
Massetetthet +Oxford Dictionary of Chemistry. 2008. 6. utg. Oxford University Press  +
Materiale +Oxford Dictionaries online <>. Lest 16.05.2013  +
Materialundersøkelse +PIARC  +
Matrikkel +Lovdata  +
(forrige 25) (neste 25)